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My place to yap, overshare, and be raw.
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Blogging as a form of Memory Keeping (The Memories Podcast Ep. 006)
This week’s episode is pretty special because we have our first ever guest on the podcast! We chatted with Katie Scott, a writer, online content creator, and blogger who has a website called ChasingVibrance.com. Help us in welcoming Katie by checking out her site and giving her social media accounts a follow! Also, unfortunately, I couldn’t join in with the interview this time as I was feeling a little under the weather (stupid migraines), but don’t worry I’m is fine! I will join back in next week’s podcast for sure.
Blogmas Day 18 - A new hairstyle!
It was time for something fresh and new, and that's what I got. I love my new hair do even though it's not even fully done yet! I can't wait to get it finished up and play with it! New hair always makes me feel so good and fresh.
Blogmas Day 17 - The first snow
This was one of the first weekends that I've had at home to relax in awhile. Lately I feel like all I've done on the weekends is run from place to place, work, clean, move things around, etc. etc. etc. But, finally Trevor and I got a weekend to spend doing whatever we want to do. And finally, I SLEPT IN!
Blogmas Day 16 - Cards Against Humanity
On Friday we celebrate! This was our last Friday before the Holiday, so we decided to spend it with friends. We invited another couple over and ate pizza, drank alcoholic beverages, and played Cards Against Humanity. It was so fun and we laughed so much.
Blogmas Catch-up (Day 13, 14, 15)
Okay, so it's time to play some catch up. I have been away for a few days now, and sadly I don't have a whole lot to share. I haven't been feeling very well lately--my head has been bothering me some. And I just needed to come home from work and relax. It's been a lot of Netflix binging and early nights.
Blogmas Day 11 - "These are not cookies"
My favorite part of this day was when we got home, and I walked into the bedroom to see that Trevor had already lain claim to the cookies because on the night stand was the bag with a sign that said "these are not cookies." His mom let him take home a bag of cookies after the weekend at their place, and he thinks that they are going to be all his--oh boy, little does he know he has a lot to learn.
Blogmas Day 10 - A home away from home
It was kind of a stressful day, but smiling with people that I really enjoy, spending time with people that make me feel like family, and relaxing (sometimes, just a little) is totally worth a long and exhausting weekend.
Blogmas Day 9 - Beer at work
Happy Friday!! Trevor gave blood, but I was too chicken to do it. We had an event at work, and they gave us all free beer! And we drove away for the weekend to visit Trevor's parents and family.
Blogmas Day 8 - I love wine
When I was home in Indiana last (over Thanksgiving), I bought as many bottles of Oliver Winery Soft Red Wine that our small town liquor store had. It is my absolute favorite wine, and sadly, I can't get it in Kansas. I bought three bottles while back home, and I'm already out!! I had my last bottle of wine last night. Next time I go home for Christmas I am hoping that the liquor store has a lot more.
Blogmas Day 7 - Movie night
A good morning at work, a nice snow flurry, a great lunch, a new speed record in Sudoku, a movie, and falling asleep on the couch. Whew, it was a good day!!
Follow me if you like people who share the raw moments in life.