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My place to yap, overshare, and be raw.
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i quit my job
Friday marked my last day as a Cerner employee. After almost three years of technical support work I am grateful for the experience, the knowledge, and the customer service opportunities that I had. I worked with many amazing people and witnessed the constant shift and changes in the company that help it grow. However, I am prepared and excited to embark on my next mission--one that better fits my work style, allows me to be creative, gives me more day-to-day freedom, and puts me and my family first. I am excited to be in charge of my own day, work on projects that have a definitive end, and celebrate more accomplishments. Here's to the future!
My Morning Routine (at work)
My morning starts off around 6am when I go through my "miracle morning routine" (more on that routine for a future blog post). I get ready for the day and head off to work. Now that I have a full-time job, the majority of my day is spent in front of a desk. This can be sedentary and monotonous--but, I believe that the perfect day has to start with the perfect morning.
What's in my Work Bag
I got a new bag--and there's nothing wrong with wanting to show it off a little. I am proud that I have a nice job where I can afford a designer bag and have a use for it in the work place. I've worked hard to get where I am and I am so thankful for all the people, processes, and steps that it took to get here. For now though, let's just dive right in to what's in my bag.
Blogmas Day 10 - A home away from home
It was kind of a stressful day, but smiling with people that I really enjoy, spending time with people that make me feel like family, and relaxing (sometimes, just a little) is totally worth a long and exhausting weekend.
Let's catch up on work
Work is going good. A generic answer, but that's truly how I feel about it. I know a lot of my family is going to be reading this post, wondering if I can finally explain what the heck I do--and well, it's complicated. I fix data and software and reports and computers that break for hospitals that have Cerner solutions and our Registration software.
Another weekly update
Isn't it funny that this is the end-game that we all strive to achieve-- we want to move out, find our life partner, get the job, and then life will go on perfect and happy. And then when this does happen you're left wondering what is left to do. I am VERY happy with the way that everything is unfolding for Skylar and I here in Kansas City. It's just strange to look back and realize that we've hit this big milestone that I've been striving to achieve for so long.
Reaching a Work/Life Balance
I took a week off. I didn't blog, I didn't stress about social media, and I just spent some time to myself. Creating a balance between your personal life and your work life is so essential in having a healthy lifestyle. Finding out when you need a break and when you need to take your mind off of things will help you life a happier life.
Follow me if you like people who share the raw moments in life.