morning routine

my new routine

my new routine

Routines are so important to me. Especially morning routines. They’re a way to kick start your day, keep you on track, and keep you focused on your goals day in and day out. Since moving back to Indiana, my routine has been all over the place—actually, it’s been nonexistent. But, I’ve been working really hard on trying to set a routine this past week, and this is what I’ve come up with.

My Morning Routine (at work)

My Morning Routine (at work)

My morning starts off around 6am when I go through my "miracle morning routine" (more on that routine for a future blog post). I get ready for the day and head off to work. Now that I have a full-time job, the majority of my day is spent in front of a desk. This can be sedentary and monotonous--but, I believe that the perfect day has to start with the perfect morning.

My Journaling Routine

My Journaling Routine

The first step in journaling is finding a reason that journaling should be in your life. If your journal doesn't have a meaning or a purpose to you, then why are you even going to spend time doing it? I'm one of those people that has tried and failed at journaling over and over again, but when I finally figured out exactly what journaling meant to me I was able to write daily and create so much more positive energy because of it.

Roll Out of Bed with Success

Roll Out of Bed with Success

Waking up in the morning can be a struggle, but starting your day off right really makes a difference. Creating a morning routine is key, but how can you make that routine if you can't even will yourself out of bed? My secrets: drink good coffee that you love, prepare the night before, and don't allow yourself to hit that snooze button. Becoming a morning person can really help with creating a healthy lifestyle.