LVP Studios

Have you ever said "my life is so boring"? (The LVP Newsletter wk. 32)

Have you ever said "my life is so boring"? (The LVP Newsletter wk. 32)

Have you ever heard me say your story matters? If not, well maybe you’re new to my personal blog, because I say it all the time! And it does—I truly believe that your story matters. Even if you think “oh, my life is so boring” or “no one is going to want to listen to what I have to say” or even the infamous “no one cares,” you’re wrong! Because your story is shaping the future, and the only way we can all learn about it, grow through it, and experience your truth is by hearing your story. So, let’s say it again, your story matters.

12 things video can capture but photos cannot (on your wedding day)

12 things video can capture but photos cannot (on your wedding day)

While I know that wedding photos are a must, there are certain things that photos just can’t capture the same way that videos can. The posed shots, beautiful still moments, and glimpses of emotion are perfectly captured by a good photographer. But your vows, the first dance, laughter and crying, the speeches given by the most important people to you; all of these things (and so much more) can’t be captured with photos.

How can Memory Keeping become a business?

How can Memory Keeping become a business?

Did you see that post title? I bet you're super curious about how you can turn your passion for capturing memories into a business. How can memory keeping become a business? There are multiple ways: you can start an online store, share your endeavors on YouTube, or even start a business that helps others memory keep too (and so much more). But that's where my focus is--helping others memory keep. I love helping others achieve their memory keeping goals, understand that this doesn't have to be something hard, and that their stories are meant to be captured, documented, and saved.