Meet Amy | Blogger Series

Thanks for sticking with me during this little blogging hiatus. I hope you like the new redesign though--I might not have been posting, but I was definitely working hard! Anyways, we are here today to meet another wonderful blogger! Every week I am continually inspired by other websites and amazing blog posts that I see.

Meet Amy!

First off, tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog.

I'm a little bit country. I'm a little bit rock and roll. Ha. Not really. 

I’m a simple gal from the land of hockey, free healthcare, and ketchup chips. (I like 2 out of 3 of those things). I’m an event planner by trade and nature. I’m a writer from all 50 shades of my being including – black, single mother, woman, christian, lover, friend, and dreamer.

The name is Amy. Amy Juicebox (ok...not really). I own and write at Now a Word or Two, an online magazine and lifestyle blog, offering up a little bit of words on a little bit of everything. Posts can range from dating/relationships to pop culture to social issues. Serious. Silly. Entertaining and Educational (kinda like me!)

What inspired you to start blogging originally?

I was hanging out on blogs like Very Smart Brothas, leaving long ass comments. I didn't want to be THAT person (lol) so figured creating my own space would be better! I was encouraged  by other commenters to start my own page. So I did! 

How did you got where you are?

On my couch? HA! First I had to admit I was a blogger. I know. Weird right? I respected the veterans of the game to call myself the same thing. But guess what - a blogger is simply a person who blogs! Next, I had to embrace being a writer and it being something I'm good at. I took leaps which includes attending my first blog conferences and creating business cards which had me OWN that title. The biggest leap included answering a tweet I saw from a start-up called Blavity. I had never written for anyone other than myself. They took a chance on me and less than 2 years later - I ended up in Teen Vogue! 

What do you hope to achieve with your blog?

The answer to this fluctuates on a daily basis. I thought I was going to shift from events to focus more on writing. But events is my first love, so I'm at a crossroads. *insert Bone Thugs here*

Ideally it opens up opportunities to speak and make some money. 

How has blogging changed your life?

It's given me a voice that I never thought I'd have. It's forced me to take risks to share information. It's introduced me to some of my blogging heroes. It's inspired others. It's made the sky the limit. 

As always, I want to give a BIG thank you to Amy for blogging here today! Also, don't forget to check her out and let her know that you found her via Danyell Bailey's Blog--I'm sure she'd love that!

Click here to view my other Blogger Series posts. Also, if you are interested in being featured in my next Blogger Series, please feel free to email me ASAP!


I graduated from Indiana University!!


My Search for a Full-Time Job