Blogging while in College

Where have I been? It's been two weeks since I posted on my blog!!! I try to keep a consistant schedule, and I would say that I do a pretty good job of posting regularly, but these past few weeks (aka. basically the entire month of February) have really gotten away from me.

So where to start--let me just give you a little update on my life, shall we.

As most of you know, I am a senior in college this year and will be graduating in May. As an Informatics major, we are required to complete some form of capstone project with a team of other Informatics majors. My team has decided to create a web application that is essentially a social media platform for musicians and fans of music in the Bloomington area.

Coding a social media platform is hard. Coding in general can be time consuming, and as you can tell, this project takes up a lot of my time. I have been focusing on creating this application for the past few weeks now, which is one reason that I have been unable to just pop onto this blog and write a little.

On top of my capstone project, my class schedule this semester has been a little heavy, BUT that being said, a lot of my courses were 8 week courses (4 to be exact). That means that this past week was essentially my finals week for the majority of my classes. And thank goodness I am done with that!!

Also, since I am graduating soon, the job hunt has truly begun! I have been apply to lots of places in the area, as well as some bigger companies in the US. I have had a few companies reach out to me (which is very flattering) and have accepted a few interviews! More on that later this week!!

Anyways, as you can tell, I've been a little consumed by my life lately. I want to blog more regularly, and since I am done with a lot of my courses, I am hoping that I will finally have the time again.

Being a college student and blogging can be a challenge. This time in a person's life is very time consuming, can be rigorous; but, all that aside, it is a major turning point for everyone. I have chosen to continue blogging even though I know that sometimes I just need a break because I want to document this time.

Blogging for me, has always been about documenting my journey and the things that I learn along the way. Are you a college student? How are you keeping up with your blog lately?