Tuesday Twenty-- Twenty ways to use an iPad (other than games)

Copied from my old blog:

Good morning critters!

In celebration of my old high school going high tech and receiving some really awesome iPads this week, I have decided to share some ways that iPads can be implemented into school, business, or every day life other than for the use of fun games.

This post is also going to be a fun kick start into my soon to come iPad series where I will be discussing some basic iPad usage skills, plus a section on how to implement them into a classroom (for teachers), as well as, a look into some amazing apps for students to annotate, take notes, and interact with technology as a means to succeed in the class.

Here's this week's Tuesday Twenty:
Twenty ways to use an iPad (other than games)
  1. Writing
  2. Annotating
  3. Editing photos and videos
  4. Blogging
  5. Note taking
  6. Budgeting money
  7. Reading books
  8. Displaying slide shows
  9. Taking attendance
  10. Grading
  11. Subscribing to magazines
  12. Studying with flash cards
  13. Making to do lists
  14. Keeping track of your grades
  15. Planning appointments
  16. Logging food
  17. Checking emails
  18. Watching videos
  19. Searching on the internet
  20. Downloading and storing documents

I hope to delve into some reviews and in depth tutorials on ways to do these sort of things with applications that I love. However, if you have any questions in the mean time please feel free to contact me or leave a comment down below!
If you have some more ideas of ways that one could use an iPad I would love to know about them!

Please like, comment, subscribe, and share!
I love you all! Peace OUT

This post was also displayed on my tech blog here!


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