Forrest is 6 months old!
Well well well ACTUALLY Forrest is now 11 months old. But these are his 6 month photos that I never shared. And gosh darn it, he’s too cute not to share, right?! Here’s what I wrote on Instagram when he officially turned half a year old: The longest and hardest months for us… little sleep, lots of tears (mostly from me), and tons of growth on everyone’s part. We’re so grateful to have Mr. Forrest as part of our family and all the things he’s taught us.
He can sit independently, is rocking on his knees, and tries to pull himself everywhere even though he doesn’t move too fast. We have a feeling that as soon as he learns to crawl it won’t be long before he walks because he already likes to pull himself up to standing. We’ve introduced solid foods and this boy LOVES to eat (including eggs, green beans, and chicken)!! He keeps us on our toes for sure with short naps and broken sleep at night, but we’re hoping for a light at the end of the tunnel soon so we can all get some rest. His favorite things are to go on walks in the carrier, eat grass, and knock down his brother’s magnatiles. He’ll happily watch other people do things and loves all the stimulation!
We wrote a similar blog post when Greysen turned 6 months old, and you can read that here. It so interesting to read and understand the differences between the two boys but also know the differences between where we were in life then versus now. Obviously with a second baby you just know what you’re doing so much more… but also, you know nothing because every kid is different.
We’re already planning his first birthday party which just shows how fast time is going by! We’ll have him in the studio again soon for his one year old photos, but for now, enjoy this little look at his 6 month milestone session at LVP Studios.