Greysen is 6 months old!

Time is slipping through my fingers. Literally… this boy is so squirmy. I haven’t been on here to blog since November, because life is just flying on by. Most of my memory keeping and documentation these days is on Instagram because using an app, some photos, and minimal words is a lot easier than writing an entire blog post. But, Greysen is officially (and has been for some time now) six months old. I cannot believe how quickly my baby has grown up. Before we know it he’s going to be walking!!

How has it already been half a year!? Over half a year actually!!! Greysen loves to babble and screech, can roll over whenever he wants, is trying to swim/crawl on the floor, has played in the grass for the first time, loves to eat table food with mommy and daddy, still fits in 3 month clothes, has a strong opinion on where he wants to be and what he wants to be doing, loves going on walks in the stroller and looking at things, and has so many more amazing accomplishments and cool things he’s done.

He likes to sleep on his side, and sometimes his tummy. He, for the most part, sleeps through the night besides needing me to pop a pacifier back in from time to time. We also recently introduced a lovey (a stuffy koala named Kodak) that he carries around, plays with, and is now sleeping with too. He also can sit up without support, but does need to be surrounded in a boppy or lots of pillows because he often likes to yeet himself backwards for no apparent reason.

I can’t type out everything he does that impresses me or makes me happy because it’s just a constant all of the time thing. Every day he’s doing something new and exciting, he’s making us laugh, trying a new food, or something that seems ground breaking like that for us as first time parents. These past six months have been such a learning experience for us to. As I list out everything that Greysen can do, I’m reminded of all of the things that Trevor and I have learned along the way as well. Like, how I’ve learned to function with no sleep and Trevor has learned to sleep through all of the crying…. oh, I mean, he’s learned to go #teamnosleep too, wink wink.

But all jokes aside, our lives are in a constant stage of change right now as Greysen goes through all of these fleeting young moments of life. I try my best to soak it all in and not wish it away to the next stage of development, because I know there will one day be a time when he won’t want to cuddle me, or he won’t need to be held, or I won’t get to rock him back to sleep.