Tuesday Twenty-- it's a little different

Copied from my old blog:

Hey critters!

What's supposed to be today's Tuesday Twenty is going to be a little different.

First off, I am sorry for my posting absence these last couple of weeks. This semester has come with some challenges--not just in the classes, but also within my personal life. I am comfortable sharing my troublesome times with you because, well, as my "About Me" section states, this is a blog that lets you see into my life. I want you to be with me for the ups and the downs. Working together, talking it out, and having all of the support from you critters is what makes pushing through the areas of trouble just a little bit easier. Please bear with me for a little bit while I try to get everything back in order!

Second, I am thankful that I have been able to hash out some posts on Tuesday for you; however, I am worried it's not enough. I feel bad when I look back through my blog and only see Tuesday Twenty, Tuesday Twenty, Tuesday Twenty. The idea for a Tuesday Twenty was to give me something consistent that you all could love to come back and check every week. I did not intend for it to be the only thing that I posted. Therefore, I am looking for some feedback... I still want to do Tuesday Twenties, but I don't want it to become the only thing showing up on my blog. What do you all think would be a solution to my problem?

Thanks again for always being there for me through the rough times and the good times. I really appreciate all of you!

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I love you all! Peace OUT