The CPM site is live!

Copied from my old blog:

Hey critters!

I promised I would tell you when the Culver's Portside Marina site went live… and here I am!

Go check it out NOW

However, I know some of you may be confused. So, I am going to fill you in :)

My dad owns a marina in Culver, Indiana, and over the summer I got the opportunity to work for him as (what I titled myself) the Web Manager. Basically, it started out with me making them Facebook and twitter accounts, and then I was responsible for keeping all of their information up to date on those social media sites. Working on that I realized that their website in general was due for a makeover and some special TLC. 

So, one day, I took it into my own hands to contact the person who was hosting our site, discuss the remodeling of it, and begin the work. First (with a special thanks to Pat), I began creating our new site on WordPress. Making this switch from whatever they had before (which was so bad, I don't even know what it was called) to Wordpress made the whole creation process a lot easier. My dad, mom, and I figured out a template that we really liked in order for us to work off of that and make the designing a lot easier, too. Figuring out the general look and feel that I wanted for the site was the simple part. After that I had to transfer all of the images, boat information, documents, and forms onto the new site--and, that's where it got a bit difficult.
Along with the general difficulty of the whole merging process, this was about the time that I needed to head back to Bloomington and start school. Getting caught up in everything happening like all of my school work, other jobs, and social events at IU really set me back in the launching process. I literally didn't touch the site for months and was nervous to begin again--but, I knew it needed to be done.
I set my mind to it, got some more work done over Christmas break, and then here we are today… ALL COMPLETED. It's definitely still a work in progress. The site has some rough edges; however, I am excited to continue working on it by upgrading the images, changing the look of wonky things, and keeping it up to date!

I couldn't have done this without the support from a lot of family, friends, and colleagues. I want to give a big shout out to all of them for being my rock and keeping me focused! With that being said, go check out the site and let me know what you think!-- your feedback can really help me learn and grow, as well as, help CPM thrive and improve.

This is an exciting moment for myself and the marina!

Please like, comment, subscribe, and share!
I love you all! Peace OUT

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