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My place to yap, overshare, and be raw.
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Happy Holidays!
"The best gift around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other." - Burton Hillis
Vlogmas: Week 2
This past week was a little rough! But we posted videos almost every day like we promised! I am actually really impressed with how well we are keeping up with this, and it's inspiring me to make more videos for Trevor and I in the future. You can check out our entire playlist of videos here!
Wedding Planning
Did you see our Vlogmas Day 13 video? I gave you a quick update on our wedding planning process so far. I'm using the Eric Condren wedding planner to keep track of our money, our to-do's, our lists, and more! It's been really helpful through this entire process, and I feel like I've already accomplished so much.
Vlogmas: Week 1
Vlogmas is going great! Check out our entire playlist of videos here. If you don't know what vlogmas is--essentially, its a YouTube thing where you film a new vlog every day until Christmas (or if you're feeling really go-getter, every day for all of December). Trevor and I decided to give this a go on our vlog channel and are absolutely loving it.
December 2017 Goals
It's been a bit since I've created a blog post about my goals. I'm going out this year, 2017, with a bang! I'm totally inspired to get some things done that are new to me and totally scary. I've been diving into the world of videos more lately, and really want to continue down this new road on YouTube that inspires me. That being said, I made a video to go along with this post!! Check it out.
Decorating for Christmas
I am so excited to have new decor for the holidays up at our house! Decorating for Christmas always makes me feel like I’m filling a void that I never knew I had. My house feels so warm and inviting even though it’s so new and big and barely full of furniture. I love how Christmas makes everyone feel and the cozy feeling that it brings into your home. I’m glad we finally have our decorations up.
Happy Thanksgiving
Family isn't always about the people in your life who are blood relations. It's about the people in your life who want you to be in theirs. It's about the people in your life who accept you for who you are, support you in the things you choose to do, and no matter what, are there for you. It's the people in your life who love you, respect you, and who you can depend on. That's family. And I am so thankful to have all of you here on my blog who I can call my family. Thank you for always loving and supporting me!
10 facts about me
These may be common knowledge to friends and family, but for all my new subscribers and followers--I wanted to give you a chance to get to know me just a little. This quirky, fun, playful video perfectly describes my attitude! I hope that you like it. Please make sure to watch the video as I go into detail and tell some really fun stories.
Andrew's Brain | book review
I'm just surprised by how many positive reviews there are on this book. As I've been skimming over some, I realized that E.L. Doctorow is a known and well liked author, and I am curious to know if that is the reason that people are liking this book. Do they just accept that it's good because they've had previously pleasant experiences with this author?
I said yes!
I'm not even going to try to put into words the feelings I felt this day. Everything since then has been a dream, and I can't believe I am going to be spending the rest of my life with my best friend, the most amazing man, my babykins, and the best thing that's ever happened to me. Our journey is never going to stop, and through ever wrong turn, right turn, and straight-a-ways ahead, I will always love you, Trevor!
Follow me if you like people who share the raw moments in life.