Finals Week Outfits
What's the perfect combination between casual and cute? When the time to take finals rolls around you're going to want to be comfy, warm, and confident. For me, I like to still look cute (because it gives me confidence) yet be able to slump back and relax as I trudge away on test for the next two hours.
If you know me, you know this outfit is totally right up my alley. Leggings are a must and who wouldn't wear leggings without a pair of converse?! This outfit runs a little more casual than the rest, but I wanted to make sure it still had plenty of personality, so I threw in the Starbucks shirt to spice it all up. Then to top it off, put on some oversized sunglasses and you're ready to go! Dressing low key is essential for finals--just make sure you feel good and you feel yourself.
Now, lets priss it up a bit. Add some sparkles and remember to accessorize. I love this outfit too because the clothing is so simple, but by adding a shiny bag and lots of jewelry you can make this casual outfit still look good. This one is perfect for finals because you'll be able to shove everything you need in this fabulous backpack. Accessories are seriously always the answer!
If you're looking for something more cool and chic, then I'm your girl! High waisted boyfriend jeans are totally finals week appropriate because of their loose fit and comfy denim. To go with the flow of the pants I'd chuck on a floppy crop top and long cardigan with some super casual Birkenstocks. Throw your hair up in a scrunchy and you're ready to strut out that door and pass every exam!
No matter what you're wearing during finals week, just be happy. Dressing your best this week is essential for you to be feeling good and focused. Make sure you drink tons of water, pack all of your study aids, and be prepared for anything. Good luck! I have faith in you.
P.S. Please pin these images and share the good outfit vibes!